ISTANBUL PPPCoE ABOUT ISTANBUL PPPCoE The Istanbul Public-Private Partnership Center of Excellence (Istanbul PPPCoE), founded in 2016, is a non-governmental organization that provides trainings for PPP HR capacity building and offers the best PPP advisory services. Istanbul PPPCoE works closely with governments, corporations, multilateral entities, financial institutions and MNCs to provide technical and strategic assistance […]
ISTANBUL PPP SUMMIT 2015 Every year Istanbul PPP Week is divided into two parts: 3 days of extensive training sessions and a grand Istanbul PPP Summit on the 4th day. The Summit is a platform where experts in PPP field come together in order to discuss and share knowledge on important PPP topics. OPENING Istanbul PPP Summit’15, started with […]
NETWORKING MEETING At the end of the day throughout the three evenings of the training, networking dinners were organized by DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board), ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) and ITO (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce). The main aim of these dinners were to bring the Istanbul PPP Training participants, turkish businessmen and public officials together.
group dıscussıon Group discussions on two days, provided the content for the next steps. Firstly, delegates started to define global core PPP standards and this resulted in setting patterns of the requirement of common purposes, principles to define institutional and international arrangements and set own contents for their PPP. Second Group Discussion then designed the question ‘What is the […]
ISTANBUL PPP WEEK TRAINING 2015 36 delegates from 19 countries were hosted in 3 Days Exclusive Training and 11 of them made Country Presentations, in which the delegates talked about the challenges, needs and opportunities and country-wide potentials for their citizens value. They explained their PPP institutional and legal framework and we stated to sort out some important […]
case studıes Case studies will extract potential and current situations from previous, continuing and/or future PPP projects in accordance with the lectures. In Case Studies, participants will have the chance to look at PPP Projects in practical perspective from leading private sector representatives.
ISTANBUL PPP WEEK TRAINING 2015 Every year in the month of November, a whole week comprised of intensive 3-day training sessions, interactive academic activities and on the 4th day a grand summit is organized by PPPCoE. The Summit is coordinated under the umbrella of DEIK (Foreign Economic Relations Board), one of the most influential semi-government institutions representing the private sector in Turkey, and huge contributions from Ministry of Economy of Republic of Turkey, World Bank Group, […]